



There are plenty of virtually free mulches out there. Add mulch to have varying effects on a garden bed. If you’re wondering how to go about adding and applying this incredible resource, we’ll cover step-by-step instructions throughout this guide.

Why Mulching Matters

How to spread mulch

覆盖ing has two basic functions: to lock in moisture and to keep weeds out. That’s because mulch acts as a barrier between the soil and the sun, preventing evaporation and the germination of weed seeds or existing weeds. Some mulch also breaks down over time, returning nutrients to the soil. Some break down faster than others. Spreading mulch may occur annually or monthly depending on what type you choose. Of course, there are situations where certain mulch is more appropriate than others. So before you lay mulch, consider the types at your disposal.


如果你担心的蔓延覆盖可能会打破银行,担心没有。那里有大量的覆盖源。有些人很便宜甚至免费! First, you’ll need to peruse a list of覆盖物类型并决定哪个最适合您的需求。让我们谈谈如何在不同的上下文中应用它。








Cocoa hull mulch is made from cocoa bean hulls and emits a chocolatey smell when wet. They’re a great choice for gardeners who want to add rich brown accents to their landscapes without using dyed wood mulch. But they’re not pet friendly, due to the source: chocolate and cacao products are not safe for dogs to eat.


在找到之前,良好的堆肥材料可能需要一些搜索。堆肥的一些选项包括蘑菇堆肥和不her plant-based composts, compostedcow manure或堆肥马粪。请记住,通过这些产品,植物可以直接在它们中生长,因此最好使用几英寸的木屑到顶部这些材料。

Spreading mulch with a bow rake

Inorganic Mulch

This mulch is made of materials that don’t break down over time. They still serve the dual purpose of removing weeds from a garden and locking in soil moisture. But they don’t need to be replenished in most situations, making them great for pathways and landscaping design. There are natural and man-made options for inorganic mulch as well.

Rubber and plastic mulch are both man-made mulches. Rubber is often the result of shredding industrial materials, like tires. Plastic mulch comes in sheets. For both types, apply the mulch in a layer over a garden for weed suppression. These can’t be used in lasagna gardening as they do not break down, and there are questions as to whether they leach risky materials into your soil, so these are best used in locations where you do not plan to grow anything such as pathways or children’s play areas.




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If you must cut more than ⅓ of the height of your grass and are worried about thatching developing at the root level, set your lawnmower at a taller height and cut excess growth back while using a mower bag. Do a second pass slightly lower without the mower bag to apply a smaller amount of mulch easier without going overboard. The material in the mower bag is ideal for composting or disposal. Too much mulch on a lawn can cause thatching when more than ½ inch of mulch is spread on the lawn surface. This also applies to newly sprouted lawns. Spread mulch to promote growth, not stifle it! Ensure you don’t spread too much mulch and prevent proper air circulation around growing grass.



What if you aren’t trying to grow lush green grasses but instead want to reduce weed growth in a xeriscape or other style of yard landscaping?


到spread arborist’s chips in the yard, make several short piles of mulch, then use the back of a bow rake to spread them to the depth you prefer. 4 to 6 inches of mulch will retard the majority of weed growth and maintain soil integrity.

How to Spread Mulch in a Raised Bed


If you have a raised bed that has produced a lot over the years, mulching adds nutrients to the soil which may be tired from continuous production. It also aids in soil moisture retention and is a form of erosion control.

Before you plant again, determine the square footage of your raised beds to figure out how much mulch is appropriate. A thick layer of any mulch will take more time to break down than a thin layer. To apply mulch in the layers above the newspaper and/or cardboard, use a wheelbarrow and shovel, or simply use a bucket and spread with your hands. In larger beds, a rake is useful for layering soil amendments and mulch. And you might consider mulching before planting, too.

Alternatively, lay mulch thinly in an existing bed around established plants. Either pile mulch within the flower bed or veggie garden, and then spread it around by hand, or use a rake to spread it between plants. Ensure you don’t lay mulch directly onto plant stems, as this can prevent irrigation from getting to the roots. Instead, leave an inch or so between mulch and each plant.




How to Spread Mulch in Built-in Garden Beds

Built-in beds not only benefit from the nutrition of organic materials spread 1 or 2 times annually, but they also gain aesthetic appeal in the process. Again, spread mulch either before planting established plants, or wait until the plants in the bed are mature enough to lay mulch. In this case, coarse mulch like hardwood mulch or pumice rocks is a great choice. It’s perfectly fine (and more ecologically focused) to add materials that you have around your yard, like leaf litter. Remember that organic materials feed nutrients to the soil while inorganic mulches do not.

Determine the square footage of your built-in beds (whether they are flower beds or vegetable-producing). Gather your garden mulch, whether that be dead leaves or leaf debris, pine needles, wood chips, or inorganic materials. Use a wheelbarrow or bucket to transport materials to the beds for mulching.

Create small piles of mulch around plants and shrubs, and cover the entire bed with the piled materials, leaving small spaces between the base of plants and the mulch. In a garden that is already established, a small rake is an excellent tool because it allows you to stand while you spread the mulch. A steel tine rake is a great tool for gathering leaves to put in your perennial beds or flower bed, too. If leaves are your go-to mulch, a leaf blower can help you pile them quickly.

Best Mulch for Built-in Garden Beds





How to Spread Mulch for Pathways


因为路径应该weed-free,使用一些亲戚d of barrier to keep them at bay. Landscaping fabric is most effective in this case, and it doesn’t break down as easily as newspaper or cardboard. The latter two are effective barriers as well, in place of landscaping fabric. Begin by marking out your mulched walkway. Level the ground with a shovel. After the ground is leveled appropriately, lay your barrier, and affix it if necessary with ground staples or rocks. Then apply your desired material in piles with a shovel, and rake it to an even layer. A good 6 inches makes for a cohesive pathway. While wood is a great material for pathways, something like pea gravel may add colorful accents. Wood is great for those who want to use old mulch in their compostables. More natural materials break down over time and must be reapplied for the same effect.




Q: What is the fastest way to spread mulch?

A: It depends on the situation, but spreading mulch is easiest with a bow rake. In smaller areas, hands work just fine.


A: Remove any weeds that exist in a bed, and aerate the garden surface.

Q: Is spreading mulch easy?

A: Absolutely! It takes very little time and effort to produce huge results.

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